
Amy L. Nichols, MiPCT

The This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is responsible for the preparation of the City’s tax roll as well as the collection and settlement of ad valorem property taxes. The City acts as the property tax collection agency for the Swartz Creek Community Schools, Genesee Intermediate School District, Mott Community College, State Education Fund, Genesee District Library, Bishop Airport, Mass Transportation Authority, Genesee County Drain Commission and Genesee County. Other functions of the Treasury Division include overseeing the collection of other city receivables and the distribution of taxes collected for other jurisdictions.

Treasurer Forms, Documents & Important Information

  • Property taxes are billed twice a year in July and December. The summer taxes are due July 1 of the year issued and are payable until August 31 of the year issued without incurring penalty. On September 1st interest and penalty of 3.75% is charged on the unpaid property tax amount. There is no interest and penalty charged on the administration fee or special assessments, with the exception of the millage based police special assessment on the summer bill. Additional interest of 1.25% will accrue monthly beginning October 1st.
  • The winter taxes are issued December 1 of the current year and payment is due by February 14 of the following year without penalty being incurred. On February 15th interest and penalty of 3.00 % is charged on the unpaid property tax amount. There is no interest and penalty charged on the administration fee or special assessments.
  • On March 1st real property taxes go delinquent to Genesee County and payment must be made to the Genesee County Treasurer. Additional interest of 1.25% will accrue monthly beginning March 1st for personal and qualified real property and payment must be made to the City of Swartz Creek.
  • Note that postmarks are not accepted for payments. Payments must be received in the office or drop box by 4:30 p.m. If the tax due date for summer or winter taxes falls on a weekend or holiday, payment will be accepted thru 4:30 p.m. on the next business day. Payments received after 4:30 p.m. are considered paid on the next business day and applicable penalties and interest will be applied.
  • Payments may be made in person, by mail or placed in the drop box located in the city hall parking lot. Payments can be made in person during normal business hours. Payments put in the drop box after 4:30 p.m. will be credited on the next business day.
  • The city currently accepts payments of cash, money orders and checks but not credit cards.
Important Links

 General Tax Bill Information

  • Bills are mailed to either a homeowner or a homeowner's mortgage company; therefore, it is important for the homeowner to inform us if (1) there is a change in the mortgage company, (2) the mortgage has been paid off, or (3) the home is sold.   DO NOT RELY ON THE MORTGAGE COMPANY OR THE NEW OR FORMER OWNER TO RELAY THIS INFORMATION.   
  • If you pay your own taxes and you have not received your summer tax bill by the end of the first week of July or your winter tax bill by the end of the first week of December, call the City office.  We will be happy to provide you with a copy.
  • Summer Tax Deferments are available for those who qualify.  This allows you to delay payment of the summer tax bill without penalty or interest until February 14 of the following year (Or the next business day if it a weekend or holiday).  Click on the Application for Deferment form for the requirements to file.
State of Michigan Required Reports
The City of Swartz Creek has compiled financial and performance data in the format recommended by the Michigan Department of Treasury. That information is available here for citizens to have access to key information as identified by the State of Michigan.
The Debt Services Report is a summary of each debt obligation the city has and identifies the future balance of those obligations.

The Projected Budget Report is designed to give a projection of the revenues and expenditures for the general operations of the city for the next fiscal year.
The Protecting Local Government Retirement and Benefits Act (OPEB) Report 2023
The MI Community Financial Dashboard is provided by the Michigan Department of Treasury using date the City of Swartz Creek submit via its Annual Local Unit Fiscal Report (F65). Click on the link to visit the website with more information about the City of Swartz Creek's fiscal health:

Emergency Services

Call 911 For ALL
Fire & Police

Metro Police Authority of Genesee County
5420 Hill 23 Drive
Flint, MI 48507
Emergency: 911
Office: 810-820-2190
Fax: 810-877-6537


Fire Department
8100-B Civic Dr.
Swartz Creek, MI 48473

City Services

SC Perkins Library
8095 Civic Dr.
Swartz Creek, MI 48473

SC Senior Center
8095 Civic Dr.
Swartz Creek, MI 48473

Pay Online

Only the Following are Available to Pay Online:
pay online red
Mowing, Snow Removal, Sidewalks
Call Point & Pay 1-888-891-6064 option 2 for any payment processing issues.